Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I graduated college! I had to move back into my parents house for the summer until I start working in the fall and making some money. I am driving them insane. My mom said she was going to force me to take my ADHD meds if I didn't calm down because I was too hyper and was stressing the dog out. Oh yea mom? That's a really good idea considering I have been out of pills for three weeks (I didn't say that to her because we were watching The Voice and a really good contestant was about to sing). I think there are perks for having me back. I am really good at making salsa, spaghetti sauce, and cookies, and personally I think I'm hilarious. I haven't spilled anything on their carpet yet. I guess that means I'm growing up.

Also, people have been annoying me when texting me. If I get one more ellipses (...) after a text I'm going to flip.

Here's a video I love to watch

Monday, March 14, 2011

Don't talk to me

I like to play words with friends on my phone because I am a scrabble master. It really ticks me off when I'm playing and people decide to have stupid conversations with me. I know it's called words with FRIENDS but if you were paired with me as a random opponent I do not actually want to be your friend.  I'm fine with the occasional "nice move" or "you're welcome for that triple word setup" but nothing else. This is what happened last night while I was minding my own  business and about to play a really awesome word...

Me (thinking): Oh new message? that's weird.
Random person: How old are you?
Me: 13
Random person: Do you have a big butt?
Me: I'm calling Chris Hansen
Random person: Who's that?

Needless to say I resigned that game.

If you want to  play with me my name is staceyfaceywacy. I won't get too mad if you talk to me just don't go into creep mode like sir rando (mentioned above). I warn you though, I've been known to get 70 point words.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Oh no

I just remembered that Gary Coleman died. Now I'm sad. This always happens to me. Last time, I was at a bar and I started missing Patrick Swayze again. I texted my mom my feelings and she asked, "are you drunk?"

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Me in a bag

I found this video of this one fun time. It was sophomore year of college and my friends Trina, Jeremiah, and me found Jeremiah's old football bag. It was very big so we decided to see if I would fit in it. It almost zipped all the way. It was very dark and hot inside. I got kind of scared but I didn't cry.